3 Fitness Trends to Try This Year

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  • 2 min read

Is it your goal this year to get fit and shape up? If this is your goal, you should note that there are tons of great fitness trends that will likely gain prevalence through the course of the year. Here are three you should consider implementing to make your fitness regimen as successful as possible:

1. High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

Although defined broadly, HIIT is basically the practice of doing very intense forms of physical activity that require short bursts of exertion that are followed up with a short, but substantive recovery. An example of a HIIT form of exercise would be sprinting for one minute and then bringing the pace down to a leisurely walk for thirty seconds, and then repeating this process over and over for twenty-five minutes. HIIT is immensely popular for several reasons, including the fact that individuals can burn more calories in less time.

2. Core Training

These days, more and more fitness professionals are recognizing the importance of core training. In short, our limbs (arms and legs) spring from our core, meaning that ensuring that this region of the body is strong and stable is very important. To ensure that your core is in tip top condition, you should consider engaging in core training practices that involve strengthening the muscles of the back, thorax, and abdomen. This work is accomplished by completing exercises that involve the abdomen, lower back, and hips. Some of the equipment used includes foam rollers, wobble boards, BOSU balls, and exercise balls.

3. Personal Trainers

As many fitness experts know, personal trainers have become extremely popular these days. This is for numerous reasons, one of which is that there is a rise in interest in preventative forms of health care. Given that consistent engagement in exercise is considered to be a preventative measure, many people are interested in learning about how to implement a physical activity program that will optimize wellness, regulate mood, manage their weight, build muscle, and/or burn fat. Because personal trainers typically have years of education and experience in the fitness industry, they are generally able to help clients accomplish any and all of these objectives. Moreover, personal trainers typically collaborate with clients to cultivate a highly specific exercise program that is conducive to their preferences and personalities.

If you are interested in getting fit this year, you should know that there are a wide variety of fitness trends you can use to make it happen, in addition to eating healthier. By implementing some or all of the fitness tips and tricks outlined here, you will likely find that you are able to optimize your health while maintaining the type of exceptional well-being you deserve to have.

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