The Best Foods for Hiking and Other Outdoor Adventures

Hiking and outdoor adventures require proper planning before traveling. It can also suppress your appetite so plan to keep food on hand and remember to snack often throughout your adventures.

Did you know you can burn over 200 calories an hour while hiking? You’re on your feet for many hours and oftentimes don’t take any breaks. Remember, the main fuel your muscle uses comes from carbohydrates and the easier to digest the carbohydrates are; the more likely it is that you will not feel sluggish.

Prior to the hike my favorite way to get fueled-up is with a light breakfast. I will typically lean towards eggs, whole grain cereals, oatmeal, light pancakes, fruits (like bananas, apples, and oranges), light shakes, whole grain toast, or low-fat yogurt with granola.

During the hike my favorite nutrient-dense snacks are: trail mix, nuts and seeds, tuna pouches, peanut butter, crackers, whole-grain tortillas, beef jerky, energy bars, granola bars, fresh or dried fruit, and light sandwiches. When picking dried fruit and granola bars – avoid added sugars. These added sugars might give you a quick burst of energy but it is oftentimes followed by an energy crash which is the last thing you will want when on your outdoor adventure. When choosing your snacks, it is always best to opt for the snacks with the least amount of ingredients. This is one way to avoid added sugars, and ultimately a sugar crash.

My newest favorite hiking snack is That’s it. Fruit Bars. They have drastically changed the way I prep for my hikes! They are made with just two simple ingredients, fruit and fruit. They also have no sugar added, which will prevent that large energy crash. The best part is that you also feel great after eating them! When space and weight are limited with your hiking pack, not to worry, there are That’s it. Mini Fruit Bars as well. My last hiking tip for you is to remember to leave no trace! Whatever you pack in, make sure to pack out.

Happy hiking!

I’m Hannah and I’m a Registered Dietitian in Arizona. I love hiking, exploring, cooking, and am a huge chips & salsa connoisseur. Follow all of my adventures on IG @hikesandhealth and for meal prepping and planning tips & tricks - follow my blog

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