As snacking is more popular than ever in the United States, it is important to be mindful of all the sneaky ways sugars find their way into your food. Healthy snack options are a great way to keep yourself full and nourished without all the hidden sugars.The 2015-2020 dietary guidelines for Americans suggests limiting total [...]
Imagine, a day in the middle of Florida’s summer. Feeling your skin sizzle, ocean waves in the background, sand between your toes, and having a perfect slice of watermelon to top it all off. There’s nothing more refreshing than enjoying some healthy eating favorites like pineapple or strawberries on a beach day in Palm Valley. [...]
As the sport of professional virtual gaming has grown, so has the snack needs of players. Here, we'll give you more info on the shift towards healthier gaming snacks and why healthy eating is  important for optimal play. Why Healthy Gaming Snacks?If you were asked to describe what a gamer would look like, what first comes [...]
In recent years, there has been an unprecedented amount of media attention dedicated to sugar. It seems to have transitioned from being a harmless sweet treat to a controversial food, causing many to fully abandon it. Here's info on the differences between natural and added sugars.Arguably one of the best features of That’s it. Fruit Bars, [...]
Want to know more about sulfites and how they relate to your health? The chemical compound sulfur dioxide may not sound very appetizing, but chances are, you’ve eaten sulfites if you've eaten dried fruits (but not our dried fruits – all of our fruit is sulfite-free, as all of our bars contain only 2 ingredients: [...]
Back-to-school season is a hectic time. That's it. is here to provide quick & safe snacks for back-to-schoolParents everywhere are busy buying their children new clothes, school supplies, books, and signing them up for extracurriculars. With all of the back to school commotion going on, That’s it. believes the last thing moms and dads should have [...]
If you’ve seen any of our social media or blog posts you’ve likely heard us tout our products as being free from contamination by the top 8 allergens. If you’re someone who suffers from food allergies and are wondering which foods you should avoid and which foods are safe to eat, keep reading!Here is a [...]
Probiotics are not just for improved digestion. They can also be used for hangovers and mental health. Find out more below! If you’ve visited any health & wellness website recently you’ve probably heard health fanatics obsess over the benefits of probiotics (and if you haven’t, check out our quick guide to probiotics. Chances are, most of [...]
For people with food allergies, trying to maintain normalcy while avoiding contact with allergens can be incredibly hard. Here are some basics on the condition, plus some helpful tips on managing food allergies in your daily life!  Perhaps you’re reading this post because you or a loved one are one of the 32 million people in the US [...]


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