Here are some helpful tips on how to transition away from refined sugar. There is no doubt that refined sugars are unhealthy for our bodies – they hold no nutritional value, upset our body’s balance, and are highly-addictive. The problem lies not in the flora but the process of extraction, evaporation, and boiling; the “refining” deforms [...]
Alkalizing fruits can help you balance your body. Find out more about alkalizing fruit here! An acidic body environment can greatly upset our internal systems. Alkaline foods with a pH level of 8.0 or more help to remove unwanted acid and neutralize our body fluids. Here are nine alkalizing fruits to add to your recommended daily [...]
When it comes to food, more isn’t necessarily better. Eating smart to improve our health is getting the most out of what we consume, without overeating. We can optimize our body’s nutrient-absorbing capability just by applying some healthy smart snacking tips. Protein is a nutritional fuel for our body to rebuild and repair. From muscle [...]
Fruit tastes great and improves the health of your heart. How can you beat that winning combination? Not all fruits are created equally when it comes to heart health. Consider adding these five heart healthy fruits to your diet in order to keep your body going strong. 5 Heart Healthy Fruit:1. Blueberries Blueberries counteract the levels of [...]
A GMO food is one that has been changed by genetic engineering. Scientists take a gene from one variety of food and combine it with another to create a new version. The purpose is to make foods hardier and more resistant to insects. When a crop like corn is genetically modified, genetic engineers say it [...]
Dark chocolate is a delicious super food that contains several important nutrients. The health benefits of dark chocolate are explained below. Did you know, chocolate is made from the cocoa tree seed, which provides antioxidants and protection for the heart? There are even more fun insights to the heath benefits of dark chocolate. Here they are:High [...]
According to the Centers for Disease Control, heart disease kills more people than any other condition. It kills both men and women in larger numbers than cancers. Other than smoking cessation, which is vitally important to good heart health, taking control of your cholesterol levels is the next best way to reduce your risks. Diet [...]
Need some help on how to make smart food choices during your busy day? Read on for some tasty tips! Making Smart Food Choices  If you’ve have been trying to get yourself into a healthier state for a few months now, part of the process involves making smart food choices throughout the day. One of the steps [...]
Looking for foods that help acid reflux? Look no further. We've got answers to what fights acid reflux here! Foods That Help Acid Reflux Heartburn, or acid reflux, occurs when stomach acid enters the esophagus. While occasional heartburn is unpleasant, persistent reflux can cause serious medical complications. Medications can help curb heartburn, but changing your lifestyle is [...]


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