Spring cleaning can be a daunting task. Instead of tackling your entire apartment or house in one day, start small, room by room or section by section. Here at That’s it.®, we started with what we care about most - where we store our snacks! Check out three easy steps to get your pantry clean [...]
It’s time to go green and what better way to show your love of St. Patty’s than with green beer?! We added matcha, an antioxidant power-house to kick up the Irishness of our favorite hops. Plus, there is a delicious non-alcoholic lemonade! Check out our go-to recipes. Green Matcha Beer Ingredients: Your favorite light beer 1/2 [...]
Are you hosting an Oscar Party this weekend? Wow your guests with these award-winning snacks. Lady Blueberry Dark Chocolate Skewer Ingredients: 2 That’s it. Blueberry Dark Chocolate Truffle Bite bags 10 strawberries 2 bananas 1.5 Tbsp honey (optional) Prep Time: 10 minutes Instructions: Place strawberries on a cutting board, with a knife. Slice the tops off of the strawberries. Peel bananas and slice into 2” pieces. [...]
While the big game is about friends, football, beer and chicken wings, here are some simple tricks to add balance into your game day snacks. Delight your guests and keep them feeling good, even if their team loses. See below for some quick and easy recipes!Pretzels with Dark Chocolate Covered Fruit Ingredients  1 bag of pretzels 3 bags [...]
Meal prepping is designed to make healthy eating quick and effortless. We’ve teamed up with nutrition blogger Nancy Chen to prepare 5 days of meals including a healthy breakfast, a balanced lunch and a tasty snack. Website: https://www.approachingpaleo.com/ IG: approachingpaleo Breakfast: Simple Sweet Potato Egg Bowl This is one of my go-to breakfasts. It's quick to meal prep, stays fresh [...]
Here are great tips on how to store fruits and vegetables properly:
The following blog post originally appeared on Unbound Wellness. This version was slightly edited for thatsitfruit.com.  The health world is always divided on something, and one of the most divided topics in snacking! Is it good or bad? How much should you do it? What’s considered a healthy snack? These are questions that I’ve pondered myself many, many times! And [...]
The following recipe originally appeared on Cheeky Kitchen. This version was slightly edited for thatsitfruit.com. That’s it. snack bars are an easy way to get your fruits and veggies on the go, but when you have a little extra time on your hands, they also make for a delicious ingredient in savory and sweet recipes. Missing a [...]


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